
donderdag 27 november 2014

Gluten-free buckwheat boule – glutenvrije boekweitbol (GF-DF-V)

As promised I share with you my newly developed buckwheat boule.
It’s kind of funny that I started creating bread again. For many years I just gave up on bread baking and eating it as well. Buying gluten-free bread I gave up really quickly, because it’s inedible, I think. Most of it then. It’s expensive, tastes like cardboard and after a day you can throw it away; filled with starches and gums and other ingredients that has nothing to do with bread.

I did make flat breads a lot, quick and easy, as well as the seed bread that I ate for almost a year now. But suddenly I was craving for a real slice of bread and started my survey.

Bread is flour, water, salt and a rising agent. But, gluten-free bread baking is more than that, the rising is a problem, so can be the taste. There is only 1 advantage when baking gluten-free bread and that is that it doesn’t need any kneading! Just stir everything vigorously and you’re done!

I am going to give you my first new bread recipe of a very good tasting buckwheat boule with a crunchy crust. 
Be aware though that every type of flour, oven, surrounding temperature has influence on your bread, so maybe the first time you bake this bread it’s not perfect yet or it looks different then mine.
Just keep on going and let me know of the results or question me if there are any problems!

You’ll need:
2 cups or 290g of buckwheat flour mix
5g quick yeast
4g of sea salt
5g of cane sugar
2 tbsp of ground flax seeds
2 tbsp of psyllium husks
1 ¼ cup of hand-warm water
2 tbsp of olive oil

Mix the dry ingredients in a big bowl.
Mix water and olive oil in a small bowl and pour straight into the dry ingredients. Mix with a sturdy spoon into a batter-like-dough. It will be a little wet, that’s ok.

I leave the bread overnight with a humid cloth on top on room temperature and bake the bread first thing in the morning.

Pre-heat your oven on 200°C together with the baking tray and a small bowl of water. (to create a slightly moist atmosphere)

Take out the dough carefully and put it on your work bench which is sprinkled with a little flour on a piece of baking paper. Form the dough, do not handle too much!! into a nice boule shape and score the dough with a sharp knife. This is important because the rising of the bread in the hot oven will otherwise crack the bread’s crust.

Put the bread in the oven and after closing the door, immediately put the temperature on 180°C and bake the bread for 1 hour on this temperature. Then after 1 hour lower the temperature to 150°C and bake for another hour. Check the bread with a thermometer. The inside must be between 95° and 100°C. The crust is really crunchy!

Let it cool completely before cutting a slice!

The bread stays well for about 3 days, which I think is very important, so you don’t have to freeze it. It’s a dense bread, not light and fluffy, a real bread so to speak! And gluten-free!

I had some of my friends, wheatbread eaters, have a taste and they were all pleasantly surprised by the taste and structure.
I really hope you like it too!

Je hebt nodig:
5 g instant gist
4 g zeezout
5 g rietsuiker
2 el versgemalen lijnzaad
2 el psyllium husks
310 ml handwarm water
2 el olijfolie

Meng alle droge ingrediënten in een ruime kom.
Meng water en olijfolie en giet in 1 keer bij de droge ingrediënten en roer met een stevige pollepel alles zeer goed door elkaar. Je ziet het mengsel samenkomen tot een op-beslag-lijkend-deeg. Dus wel wat nat, maar net een deeg.

Laat het brood in de kom met een vochtige doek erover een nacht rusten op kamertemperatuur en bak het brood zodra je wakker wordt.

Verwarm de oven voor op 200°C samen met het bakblik en een kommetje water onder in de oven.

Strooi wat meel op een stuk bakpapier en met bebloemde handen neem je voorzichtig het deeg uit de kom en leg het op je werkblad. Vorm in een mooie boule vorm, maar behandel het deeg als een baby, niet knijpen en kneden! 
Kerf het brood in met een scherp mes, zodat het brood niet op onverwachte plek gaat scheuren tijdens het bakken.
Leg het brood in de voorverwarmde oven en sluit de deur. Zet de temperatuur meteen op 180°C en bak 1 uur op deze temperatuur. Zet dan de temperatuur op 150°C en bak nog 1 uur.

De binnentemperatuur van het brood moet nu tussen 95° en 100°C zijn en de korst heel knapperig. Je kunt ook op de bodem kloppen, dit moet hol klinken. Laat het brood helemaal afkoelen voordat je het aansnijdt!

Het brood blijft zeker 3 dagen goed en eetbaar, zodat je het niet hoeft in te vriezen; ik bewaar het in een afgesloten schaal. Het is een stevig, compact brood met een heel goede smaak, niet luchtig maar smeerbaar, makkelijk mee te nemen, heel lekker om even te toasten voor je het eet.

Echt brood en toch glutenvrij!!

Ik heb het brood laten proeven door mensen die gluten eten en zij vonden het allemaal erg lekker en ik hoop jij ook!

maandag 17 november 2014

Gluten-free all-purpose buckwheat flourmix – Glutenvrije boekweitmeelmix

Last week I talked about and used a gluten-free flour mix that I developed lately.
Making a big pot of gluten-free flour mix is a very quick and clever thing to do. Having a ready-to-grab mixture enables you to make your gluten-free baking easier.

A good gluten-free flour mixture includes different ingredients in order to get the best results.
There are different types of gluten-free flours:
* whole “grain” flours, like brown rice flour, buckwheat flour, oat flour, teff flour, quinoa flour, millet flour, sorghum flour, etc.
* “white” flours or starches, like arrowroot, corn starch, tapioca flour, potato starch, white rice flour, etc.
* nut flours, like almond flour, hazelnut flour, coconut flour, chestnut flour
* bean flours, like garbanzo bean flour, fava bean flour and soybean flour

Then, as an addition to make for example bread chewy and bind the ingredients together, I add psyllium husks, chia seeds and/or ground flax seeds. In my beginner’s years of gluten-free baking I used xanthan gum for binding, but I came to the conclusion that it gives me digestive problems like bloating, gas, intestinal cramps and so on, so I don’t use it anymore.

Some baking can be done with just a single flour, think of buckwheat crackers, socca, brownies, cookies, but baking a bread with a single flour mostly turns out hard, dry and not tasty at all. That’s why I make a combination of whole grain, starches, nut flours and 1 of the additions.

So in order to prevent your baking from falling apart and give it some structure as well of taste, which is so different because of the missing link: gluten, the best idea for making a tasty bread or all purpose flour mixture is to make a mix of ingredients.

All flours and starches have different properties, flavours and baking qualities, so in order to make a mix that suits your taste or purpose you can choose to make different mixes. It is also nice to experiment with the flavours.

I want to start and share with you my basic buckwheat all-purpose flour, because I love buckwheat for its taste, it’s easy to digest and it’s considered a complete protein: it contains all 8 essential amino acids, it’s high in fiber, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium. It’s a whole “grain”, so eating it will make you feel satisfied and full.
Brown rice flour I use because it’s versatile, whole grain and not too expensive, a great source of fiber, selenium and magnesium.
Tapioca flour: made from the dried cassave root. It doesn’t contain much nutrition, a little iron and some trace minerals like calcium and copper, no fiber, but it has binding properties, which we need in gluten-free baking and it makes a good crust and a lighter texture. And the price is right too!
Almond flour:  I love the taste and texture of blanched almond flour, it gives baked goods a rich texture and taste as well as moistness. It is high in protein, Vitamin E, magnesium and it’s a low-glycemic food (releases its glucose slowly).

Okay, now grab a big pot and start mixing; I suggest you use a scale because cups can vary much in weight. I give you 3 measurements, 1 to first make a small batch, then double and triple to make a bigger batch.

All-purpose buckwheat flour mix

75-150-225 g brown rice flour
75-150-225 g buckwheat flour
95-190-285 g tapioca flour
45-90-135 g blanched almond flour
Put everything in a pot, close the lid and shake well. That’s it. Now you can make the muffins from last week or these easy-peasy flat breads. Next time I will post a beautiful buckwheat boule recipe with this flour mix!

Basis boekweit meelmix

75-150-225 g bruine rijstmeel
75-150-225 g boekweitmeel
95-190-285 g tapiocameel
45-90-135 g amandelmeel

Doe alles in een grote pot, deksel erop en schudden maar. Klaar voor gebruik! Je kunt nu de pompoenmuffins van vorige week maken of deze makkelijke platte broodjes. Volgende week het recept voor een prachtige boekweitbol!

dinsdag 11 november 2014

Gluten-free pumpkin spice muffins – glutenvrij pompoenmuffins (GF-DF)

Baking warm bread, muffins, speculaas. It's the time of year and how good is it with a warm oven in the kitchen and lovely smells pouring out of it every day. The only problem is that I cannot eat all of it, so I have to restrict myself a bit. 

I bought myself a slow-cooker and am experimenting with it too now. almost every day. I must say that I like the way things cook so far. I made a pumpkin butter from Tasty Yummies, really delightful! I made a creamy brown basmati breakfast porridge, which I will  share shortly and I even baked a gluten-free buckwheat bread in it! 

Making a good and tasty, crusty gluten-free bread is one of my goals this winter. I bought this book and I am really inspired by it. But as you know I cannot follow a recipe to the dot, so I am struggling to make my own variations and I will keep you informed!

Instead of the all-time favourite banana bread I like to bake in autumn, I made these warm flavoured pumpkin spice muffins. They are lightly sweet and rich from the spices and pumpkin puree.

You’ll need:
dry ingredients:
1 cup GF flour mix (next post more about it)
¼ cup almond flour
1 tsp baking powder
¼ tsp sea salt
1 heaped tsp pumpkin spices
1/3 cup of unrefined cane sugar

wet ingredients:
½ cup pumpkin puree
1 organic egg
¼ cup olive oil
1 tbsp vanilla extract
lemon zest
¼ cup + 2 tbsp rice milk or nut milk

Pre heat the oven on 350 °F or 175°C.

Mix the dry ingredients in a big bowl.
Mix the wet ingredients in a small bowl.
Pour wet into dry and mix quickly and well.
Divide over 6 mini loaf pans, or 10 paper muffin liners and bake in the middle of the oven for 40-45 minutes till done. Prick a bamboo skewer inside and when it comes out clean, they are done.
Let them cool a little if you can resist the smell!

Je hebt nodig:
droge ingrediënten:
145 g glutenvrije meelmix (meer hierover in de volgende post)
30 g amandelmeel
1 tl bakpoeder
¼ tl zeezout
1 volle tl speculaaskruiden
50 g ongeraffineerde rietsuiker

natte ingrediënten:
½ cup/125 ml pompoenpuree
1 biologisch ei
¼ cup/60 ml olijfolie
1 el vanille extract
¼ cup/60 ml + 2 el rijstmelk of notenmelk

Verwarm de oven voor op 175°C.

Meng de droge ingrediënten in een grote kom.
Meng de natte ingrediënten in een kleine kom.
Giet nat in droog en roer snel en goed door elkaar.

Verdeel over 6 mini broodvormpjes of 10 muffin vormpjes en bak in het midden van de oven 40-45 minuten, totdat ze gaar zijn. Prik met een bamboeprikker in het midden en als deze er schoon uitkomt is je pompoen muffin klaar. Laat even afkoelen als je het kunt laten!