
maandag 23 mei 2011

Lemon ricotta mousse – citroen-ricotta mousse(GF-SF)

I'm in the mood for mousse, I guess, after the yoghurt mousse I made this one with ricotta and yes, it's gorgeous too.
On my list is an easy marshmallow chocolate mousse.

But first I'm using lemons, big juicy organic lemons from the tuesday market in town. There is a big glass jar filled with lemon skins and in my cupboard: Limoncello-to-be. From the juices I made a lovely lemon syrup, great for warm days. Recipes follow later on.

When you make the lemon mousse you can fill a lot of tiny glasses so you can have a small treat whenever you want too.

Lemon ricotta mousse (4 p)

250 ml ricotta
3 tbsp honey
1 organic lemon
½ tsp agar-agar powder
125 ml cream

Mix the ricotta with the honey.

Zest and juice the lemon. Warm 3 tablespoons of the juice, don’t let it come to cook. Stir in the agar-agar powder well and stir into the ricotta-honey mixture together with the zest.

Whip the cream and slowly fold it with a spatula into the ricotta mixture as well.

Tip: at this point you can add grated or chopped chocolate to get a stracciatella effect, also very, very delicious.

Fill 4 big or more small glasses and put them in the fridge for at least 2 hours.

Citroen-ricotta mousse (4 p)

250 ml ricotta
3 el honing
1 biologische citroen
½ tl agar-agar poeder
125 ml slagroom

Meng de ricotta met de honing.

Rasp de schil en pers de citroen uit. Verwarm 3 eetlepels citroensap, laat het niet aan de kook komen. Los het agar-agar poeder er in op en roer in het ricottamengsel samen met de citroenrasp.

Klop de slagroom stijf en spatel het voorzichtig in het ricottamengsel.

Tip: op dit moment kun je er wat chocoladerasp of gehakte chocola aan toevoegen voor een stracciatella effect, ook erg lekker!

Vul 4 grote of meerdere kleine glazen en zet ze minimaal 2 uur in de koelkast om op te stijven.

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