
woensdag 26 oktober 2011

Hotchpotch with endive and baked tomatoes - Andijviestamppot met gebakken tomaatjes (GF-SF)

This is a very Dutch dish.
In Holland I think in wintertime everybody at least once a week eats a dish like stamppot.
Literally it means crushed or mashed dish, but in my, very old, dictionary it is called hotchpotch .
There are lots of variations, but the main ingredient is the potato combined with some other vegetable and meat. Now most of my readers know I do not eat meat, so for me a hotchpotch is only vegetables, sometimes with cheese or fish or tofu.

This one is made of endive (cichorium endivia). It is a bitter vegetable, especially the outer dark green leaves are rich in vitamin A and C and calcium.

In Italy they eat a lot of green leafy vegetables and there is a big variety in de cichorium family. Here we only have 2, the leafy and the curly one.
It is really nice to eat it quickly stir-fried in the wok with some tomatoes, garlic and anchovies.

This recipe is very basic and easy to make and I use freshly cut raw endive.
It goes very well with a nice piece of salmon.

Endive hotchpotch (2 pers)

600g peeled potatoes
200-300g freshly cut endive
knob of butter
100-200ml hot milk
pepper and salt
250 g cherry tomatoes
1-2 cloves of garlic
handful of basil, roughly chopped
olive oil

Boil the potatoes with some salt and mash them with the hot milk and a knob of butter.
Season with some freshly ground pepper.

In the meantime you wash and cut the endive very finely. Set aside in a colander.

Half the cherry tomatoes and bake them in some olive oil with the thinly sliced garlic, about 5 minutes. Season with some pepper and salt and throw in the chopped basil at the end.

When your potato mash is ready, stir in the endive with a big spoon. Do it quickly.
Serve in the middle of a plate and top with the tomatoes.
Bon Appétit!

Andijvie stamppot met gebakken cherry tomaatjes (2 pers)

600g geschilde aardappels
200-300g versgesneden andijvie
klont boter
100-200ml hete melk
peper en zout
bakje cherry tomaten, 250 g
1-2 tenen knoflook, in zeer dunne plakjes
handje verse basilicum, grofgehakt

Kook de aardappelen gaar met wat zout en stamp ze met de hete melk en een klont boter.
Breng op smaak met wat versgemalen peper.

Ondertussen snijd je de andijvie heel fijn en was ze. Zet even apart in een vergiet.

Halveer de cherry tomaatjes en bak ze samen met de knoflook in wat olijfolie, ongeveer 5 minuten. Breng op smaak met peper en zout en voeg aan het eind de basilicum toe.

Als je klaar bent met aardappels stampen voeg je de andijvie toe en roer deze er snel door met een grote pollepel.
Schep in het midden van een bord en de tomaatjes er boven op.
Eet smakelijk!

1 opmerking:

  1. This is like stoemp, as we say in Belgium! Your andijvie stamppot looks amazing & is just the way, I like it, dear Linda!

    MMMMMMM,...lovely comfort food! I would eat it with smoked bacon or with sausages & mustard of course!
