
zondag 18 december 2011

Amandel-cranberrie cookie – almond cranberry cookie (GF-SF-DF-V)

I confess: I don’t do Christmas and I don’t understand all the fuss around it, what to eat, how much presents to buy, what type of tree and what’s the new trend in decorating the house.

I do like the smell of a beautiful tree, but I prefer it in the forest, and I do like making things with my hands, to give away as presents or just for fun and I really do like cooking and thinking about food and what to eat today and tomorrow, for myself and son or for my beloved or friends and family.
I am just not in the mood, to do what everybody is going to do on the same day this year.

This gluten free cookie with dried cranberries I created in september, no sign of Christmas then, with the contents of what was in my pantry. They are quick to make, delicious to taste and sugar free and vegan (I really must not think about all the poor turkeys now).
Enjoy your Christmas time!

Almond-cranberry cookie (makes 10)

100 g almond meal
25 g coconut flour (Aman Prana)
¼ tsp sea salt
¼ tsp vanilla powder
1 tsp tartaric acid baking powder
60 ml sunflower oil or coconut oil
60 ml brown rice syrup
35 g dried cranberries, coarsely chopped
35 g almonds, slivered lengthwise

Pre heat the oven on 175 ˚C.

Mix the dry ingredients in a bowl.
Whisk together the oil and rice syrup and stir into the dry ingredients until combined well.
Then fold in cranberries and almond slivers.
Prepare a baking tray with baking paper and scoop 10 heaps of the dough on the baking tray.
Bake the cookies for 12-15 minutes in the middle of the pre heated oven, till they are golden brown. Let them cool 20 minutes before serving, still a bit warm.

Amandel-cranberrie cookie (10 stuks)

100g amandelmeel
25g kokosmeel (Aman Prana)
¼ tl zeezout
¼ tl vanillepoeder
1 tl wijnsteenzuurbakpoeder
60 ml zonnebloemolie of kokosolie
60 ml bruine rijststroop
35 g gedroogde cranberry’s, grof gehakt
35 g amandelen, in de lengte in schilfers gesneden

Verwarm de oven voor op 175 ˚C.

Meng all droge ingrediënten in een kom.
Mix de olie en rijststroop goed door elkaar en roer door de droge ingrediënten tot alles goed is opgenomen. Voeg dan cranberry’s en amandelschilfers toe en roer erdoor.
Leg een stuk bakpapier op je bakplaat en schep er met een lepel 10 hoopjes deeg op.
Bak de cookies 12-15 minuten in de voorverwarmde oven tot ze goudbruin zijn. Laat ze 20 minuten afkoelen en serveer ze nog een beetje warm.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. MMMMMM,...great & tasty cookies! I have made them today & they tasted fabulously!

    Yummie too!
