
maandag 29 oktober 2012

Carrot-zucchini tart – wortel-courgette taart (GF-SF)

Some recipes simmer in my head for quit a long time, they have to ripen, to form, from idea to substance. I love savory tarts, make them not too often, but always think about making a good crust, not to floury, or too fat or too sweet, etc.

Some months ago I bought a rectangular baking mold to make savory tarts with green asparagus or strips of colored veggies, but it landed in the cupboard, waiting for the right time.

Yesterday was the right time. After reading loads of information about gluten-free and other crusts, measures, temperatures, to pre or not pre-bake I decided to stop this non-doing but make up my mind and bake the damn thing.

So here it comes, my super yummy savory tart filled with carrots and zucchini, a soft touch of fresh and dried coriander, mixed with eggs and cheese to make an almost classic French quiche. I hope you like it, as we did.

Carrot-zucchini tart (3-6 pers)

rectangular mold 12x36cm

for the crust:
180 g blanched almond flour
2 g sea salt
4 g tartaric acid baking powder
60 ml olive oil
1 tbsp water
1tbsp blue poppy seeds

for the filling:
3 organic eggs
2 tbsp fresh cilantro, chopped
5 tbsp crème fraîche
Salt and pepper

1 small onion, chopped fine
1 clove of garlic, chopped fine
1 tbsp fresh thyme leaves
1 tsp ground coriander
200g grated carrots
200g grated zucchini
Pepper and salt

70 g hard goat’s cheese, grated
30 g grated Parmesan

Take the time to make this recipe; you can make the crust in advance.

Pre heat the oven on 180 ˚C.
Start making the crust by mixing all ingredients in a bowl and knead quickly by hand.
Fill the mold with the dough and push it out evenly with your hand and fingers. Bake 12 minutes in the oven till lightly golden. Set aside.

In the meantime you prepare the filling.

Prepare the egg filling by whisking the eggs, cilantro, crème fraîche with salt and pepper. Set aside too.

In a casserole heat some olive oil and softly bake the onion with the garlic for 3 minutes.
Stir in the coriander powder and thyme leaves and bake together for another minute.
Add grated carrots and stir and bake for 5 minutes. Add zucchini and bake together for 3 more minutes. Season with pepper and salt.
Let it cool slightly.

Put the oven on 200 ˚C.

When the vegetable mixture has cooled for about 10 minutes you add the egg mixture and then the cheeses, stir well.
Scoop the filling on top of the pre-baked crust and bake the tart in the middle of the hot oven for 25-30 minutes, till the smell are delicious and the top is golden brown.

Serve on top of a simple green salad with a nice dressing. A little acid accompanies well with the soft and smooth taste of the tart.

Wortel-courgette taart (3-6 pers)

Rechthoekige vorm 12-36cm

Voor de bodem:
180 g amandelmeel
2 g zeezout
4 g wijnsteenzuur bakpoeder
60 ml olijfolie
1 el water
1 el blauw maanzaad

Voor de vulling:
3 biologische eieren
2 el gehakte verse koriander
5 el crème fraîche
Zout en peper

1 kleine ui, fijngehakt
1 teentje knoflook, fijngehakt
1tl koriander poeder
1 el verse tijmblaadjes
200 g geraspte wortel
200g geraspte courgette
Zout en peper

70 g harde geitenkaas, geraspt
30 g fijngeraspte Parmezaan

Neem de tijd om deze heerlijke taart te maken. De bodem kun je al van tevoren maken.

Verwarm de oven voor op 180 ˚C.

Begin met het maken van de bodem door alle ingrediënten in en kom te mengen en snel tot een samenhangend deeg te kneden. Vul de vorm met het deeg en druk het met je hand en vingers gelijkmatig uit. Bak de bodem 12 minuten tot licht bruin. Zet apart.

Ondertussen maak je de vulling.

Te beginnen met het eimengsel. Kluts de eieren samen met de crème fraîche, koriander en wat zout en peper. Zet ook apart.

Verwarm dan wat olijfolie in een braadpan en bak hierin zacht de ui en knoflook ongeveer 3 minuten. Roer het korianderpoeder en de tijmblaadjes erdoor en bak 1 minuut mee. Voeg geraspte wortels toe en bak, al roerende, 5 minuten mee, voeg dan de courgette toe en bak deze nog 3 minuten mee. Breng op smaak met zout en peper. Zet apart en laat een minuut of 10 afkoelen.

Zet de oven op 200 ˚C en rasp de kazen.

Als het groentemengsel lauw is roer je het eimengsel erdoor en daarna de kazen.
Schep de vulling op de voorgebakken bodem, strijk uit en bak de taart 25-30 minuten in de hete oven tot hij gaar is, heel lekker ruikt en goudbruin ziet.

Serveer op wat simpele groene sla met een lekkere dressing. Het zuur van de dressing is erg lekker bij het zacht-zoete van de taart.

zondag 21 oktober 2012

Roasted pumpkin slices – geroosterde pompoenschijven (GF-SF)

What a great side dish this is!!
I eat it at last once a week now the season of pumpkins has started.
Again I adapted a recipe from Plenty into a gluten free version. I love his flavours, they are so full and at the same time down to earth.

They are best eaten warm right out of the oven, but you can take them with you too as a lunch. Maybe a small salad with it and your done.

Pumpkins are a great source of iron and of vitamins A, B and C as well. They are full of  fibers and help to make  your digestion smooth, a great help for celiacs and especially the ones with a vata constitution, who tend to have difficulties in autumn.

This recipe is for Ivy, enjoy the pumpkins!

Roasted pumpkin slices (3-4 pers)

700g pumpkin, cleaned, peeled and cut in slices of 1-2 cm
50 g Parmesan, grated
20 g gluten-free breadcrumbs ( I use buckwheat, from Natine)
6 tbsp chopped flat parsley
2 ½ tsp fresh thyme leaves
zest of 1 big organic lemon
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
4 tbsp good olive oil
salt and pepper

Preheat the oven on 190 ˚C and prepare a baking tray with baking paper.
Lay the pumpkin slices on the tray and pour a bit of the olive oil in your hand and oil the slices around.

Make the parmesan crust ( not really a crust) by mixing the Parmesan, breadcrumbs, parsley, thyme, zest and garlic in a small bowl with a little salt and plenty of pepper.
Coat the pumpkin slices with this mixture and push on a little with your fingers.

Bake the slices about 30 minutes till they are done. By sticking the point of a knife in the pumpkin you can feel if they are right: soft is done, hard  not.

Ottolenghi serves them with some dille flavoured crème fraîche. You can do that or eat them just as they are. Both versions are great. Enjoy!

Geroosterde pompoenschijven (3-4 pers)

700 g pompoen, schoongemaakt, geschild en in 1-2 cm dikke plakken
50 g geraspte Parmezaan
20 g glutenvrij paneermeel, ik gebruik boekweit, van Natine
6 el gehakte platte peterselie
2 ½ tl verse tijmblaadjes
geraspte schil van 1 biologische citroen
2 tenen knoflook, fijngehakt
4 el goede olijfolie
zout en peper

Verwarm de oven voor op 190 ˚C en bekleed een bakplaat met bakpapier. Giet wat olijfolie in je hand en bestrijk hiermee de pompoenschijven en leg ze op de bakplaat.

Maak dan de Parmezaankorst (niet echt een korst) door in een kom de Parmezaan te mengen met het paneermeel, peterselie, tijm, citroenrasp en knoflook met een beetje zout en flink wat peper.

Bestrooi de pompoenschijven met dit mengsel en druk even aan met je vingers.
Bak de pompoen ongeveer 30 minuten in de oven tot ze gaar zijn. Steek een scherp mes in de pompoen, als het zacht voelt zijn ze gaar, hard, nog niet.

Ottolenghi serveert de plakken met zure room waar wat verse dille en peper en zout door is geroerd. Maar zo, lekker warm, uit de oven is ook super. Geniet ervan!


woensdag 17 oktober 2012

Black bean pumpkin soup – zwarte bonen pompoen soup (GF-DF-SF-V)

After I made the vegetable broth from last post I made this very tasty warming soup, using a tin of black beans to save some time. But when you have the time soak your beans the night before  and cook them the next day. You can use all kinds of beans like adzuki beans, kidney beans, borlotti beans or just the ordinary (in Holland) brown beans.

Beans are very versatile and besides that they are a great source of fibers. For a celiac they are really good for digestion. But they can be hard to digest when you are not used to it. To make them easier to digest you can add a piece of kombu (seaweed) or put some bonenkruid-savory in when you cook them. Also adding some rosemary, thyme or ginger and turmeric in your dish helps.      

Black bean pumpkin soup

1 onion, chopped
1 clove of garlic, chopped fine
1 green bell pepper, in small chunks
⅛ tsp freshly grated nutmeg
Pinch of salt
2 celery stalks, in small chunks
750 g pumpkin, peeled and in 2 cm chunks
1 potato, peeled in 1 cm chunks
1 can of black beans, rinsed
1 tbsp dried oregano
1 ½ l dark vegetable broth
cilantro for garnish

Sweat the onion, garlic and pepper pieces with the nutmeg and a pinch of salt in some tablespoons of olive oil and let it caramelize for about 10-15 minutes. Stir once in a while.
Add the celery, pumpkin and potato chunks, stir good and add oregano and the vegetable broth. Bring to the boil and let it simmer till the veggies are just done, about 15 minutes. The last 5 minutes add the beans and let them heat through.
Chop some handfuls of cilantro and garnish before serving.
When you want you can scoop a dollop of crème fraîche in the soup too!

Zwarte bonen pompoensoep

1 ui, gehakt
1 teen knoflook, fijngehakt
1 groene paprika, in kleine blokjes
⅛ tl versgemalen nootmuskaat
2 bleekselderijstengels, in reepjes
750 g pompoen, schoongemaakt en in 2 cm blokjes
1 aardappel, geschild en in 1 cm blokjes
1 blikje zwarte of bruine bonen, afgespoeld
1 el gedroogde oregano
1 ½ l rijke groentebouillon
koriander, als garnering

Fruit de ui, knoflook en groene paprika met de nootmuskaat in wat olijfolie, terwijl je af en toe roert. Laat het in 10-15 minuten zachtjes karameliseren.
Voeg bleekselderij, pompoen en aardappel toe, roer goed door, strooi de oregano erover en voeg de bouillon toe. Breng aan de kook en laat het geheel zachtjes sudderen tot de groentes net gaar zijn, ongeveer 15 minuten. Voeg de laatste 5 minuten de bonen toe en warm mee.
Snijd flink wat koriander en garneer de soep hiermee. Als je wilt is een flinke eetlepel zure room er bovenop erg smakelijk!

maandag 8 oktober 2012

Dark and rich vegetable broth – rijke groentebouillon (GF-DF-SF-V)

Today I give you my recipe for a rich and dark vegetable broth, made of left-over vegetables I have left in my fridge. It is a very nice earthy broth, you can keep in the fridge for a week or freeze or use right away in your favorite soup.
For a  rich flavor use a variety of vegetables like carrot, leek , parsley stalks and celery, but you can use less or add some mushrooms, turnip or other root vegetable. You can use the bottom parts of  the celery and the leek or the parts you normally cut off and throw away. When you use parsley, keep the stalks in a plastic bag or a little humid kitchen towel in your vegetable drawer.

So keep all the trimmings and cut off pieces for some days and make a broth!

The darkness and earthy flavor in this soup you get from browning the vegetables first in some olive oil, before simmering. It is an ideal broth for warming hearty autumn soups or stews.

Dark and rich vegetable broth (1 ½ l)

1 onion, unpeeled with
2 cloves pushed in
1 clove of garlic, just crushed under your knife
1 piece of winter carrot or some smaller ones, washed and cut in big chunks
1 piece of celery or some (old) celery stalks
1 piece of leek
Parsley stalks, washed
2 bay leafs
Some fresh sprigs of thyme
15 black pepper corns
1 tsp of course sea salt
Pinch of cayenne pepper
1 ½ l water

Pour some olive oil in a casserole and bake the onion, garlic, carrot, leek, celery, parsley stalks, turnip (all veggies) on medium heat till they brown, stir occasionally.
Add salt and herbs and the water, bring to the boil and let it simmer softly with the lid on about 30 minutes.
Drain, using a colander and some cheesecloth and your dark and rich vegetable broth is ready for further use! Enjoy!

Rijke groentebouillon (1 ½ l)

1 ui, ongeschild en met
2 kruidnagels erin gestoken
1 knoflookteen, geplet onder je mes
1 stuk winterwortel of wat kleine wortels
1 stuk bleekselderij of selderijknol
1 stuk prei
2 laurierblaadjes
Wat verse tijm
15 zwarte peperkorrels
1 tl grof zeezout
1 snuf cayennepeper
1 ½ l water

Verwarm wat olijfolie in een grote braadpan en fruit hierin, op halfhoog vuur, de ui en de andere groentes tot ze bruinen, roer af en toe door.
Voeg dan het zout en alle kruiden toe en het water en breng aan de kook. Laat met het deksel op de pan alles 30 minuten zachtjes sudderen. Giet af in een met kaasdoek bekleedde vergiet.
Je donkere en rijke groentebouillon is klaar voor gebruik. Geniet!

vrijdag 5 oktober 2012

Carrot thyme risotto – wortel tijm risotto (GF-DF-SF-V)

Ok, there is Arborio rice in this dish and it’s made à la mode de risotto, but a true Italian will shoot me for calling this dish a risotto.
Why? Because it’s more carrot then rice and I love it this way, I eat it as a side dish with a piece of fish or as a lunch dish, just as it is.
What’s in a name?
Make it and let me know.

Carrot packed thyme infused risotto ;-) (2-3pers)

400g organic carrots (they are so sweet!), grated roughly
150g leeks, in small rings
1 clove of garlic, finely cut
150 g Arborio rice
100 ml rosé
4 sprigs of fresh thyme or a teaspoon dried
1 bay leaf
± ½ l vegetable broth, hot
Parmesan, if you want

Warm some olive oil in a pan and fry leeks, garlic and carrots softly for 8 minutes. Stir in Arborio rice and let it soak in the oil and vegetable juices for some minutes while you stir once a while. Pour in the rosé and let it cook for a minute, then add thyme and bay leaf and the hot broth, about 2 cm above the vegetable rice mix. Let it simmer with the lid on for about 20 minutes. Check if the rice is cooked and the fluids are incorporated. A little wet is ok by me! Taste and add pepper and salt to your taste and maybe some grated Parmesan.

volle wortel en tijm geparfumeerde risotto (2-3 pers)

400g biologische wortels (zo lekker zoet!), grofgeraspt
150g prei, in smalle ringen
1 teen knoflook, fijngehakt
150 g Arborio rijst
100 ml rosé
4 takjes verse tijm of 1 theelepel droge
1 laurierblad
± ½ l groentebouillon, heet
Parmezaan, zo je wilt

Verwarm wat olijfolie en fruit hierin prei, wortel en knoflook ongeveer 8 minuten. Roer de rijst erdoor bak 1 minuut mee om olie en groentesappen te doen intrekken. Blus af met de rosé en bak deze 1 minuut mee. Voeg tijm en laurierblad toe en de hete bouillon, 2 cm boven het mengsel. Laat, met deksel op de pan, 20 minuten sudderen en check of de rijst gaar is en het vocht ingetrokken. Een beetje vochtig mag de risotto wel zijn. Proef en voeg naar smaak zout en peper toe en als je wilt wat geraspte Parmezaan.