
zondag 21 oktober 2012

Roasted pumpkin slices – geroosterde pompoenschijven (GF-SF)

What a great side dish this is!!
I eat it at last once a week now the season of pumpkins has started.
Again I adapted a recipe from Plenty into a gluten free version. I love his flavours, they are so full and at the same time down to earth.

They are best eaten warm right out of the oven, but you can take them with you too as a lunch. Maybe a small salad with it and your done.

Pumpkins are a great source of iron and of vitamins A, B and C as well. They are full of  fibers and help to make  your digestion smooth, a great help for celiacs and especially the ones with a vata constitution, who tend to have difficulties in autumn.

This recipe is for Ivy, enjoy the pumpkins!

Roasted pumpkin slices (3-4 pers)

700g pumpkin, cleaned, peeled and cut in slices of 1-2 cm
50 g Parmesan, grated
20 g gluten-free breadcrumbs ( I use buckwheat, from Natine)
6 tbsp chopped flat parsley
2 ½ tsp fresh thyme leaves
zest of 1 big organic lemon
2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
4 tbsp good olive oil
salt and pepper

Preheat the oven on 190 ˚C and prepare a baking tray with baking paper.
Lay the pumpkin slices on the tray and pour a bit of the olive oil in your hand and oil the slices around.

Make the parmesan crust ( not really a crust) by mixing the Parmesan, breadcrumbs, parsley, thyme, zest and garlic in a small bowl with a little salt and plenty of pepper.
Coat the pumpkin slices with this mixture and push on a little with your fingers.

Bake the slices about 30 minutes till they are done. By sticking the point of a knife in the pumpkin you can feel if they are right: soft is done, hard  not.

Ottolenghi serves them with some dille flavoured crème fraîche. You can do that or eat them just as they are. Both versions are great. Enjoy!

Geroosterde pompoenschijven (3-4 pers)

700 g pompoen, schoongemaakt, geschild en in 1-2 cm dikke plakken
50 g geraspte Parmezaan
20 g glutenvrij paneermeel, ik gebruik boekweit, van Natine
6 el gehakte platte peterselie
2 ½ tl verse tijmblaadjes
geraspte schil van 1 biologische citroen
2 tenen knoflook, fijngehakt
4 el goede olijfolie
zout en peper

Verwarm de oven voor op 190 ˚C en bekleed een bakplaat met bakpapier. Giet wat olijfolie in je hand en bestrijk hiermee de pompoenschijven en leg ze op de bakplaat.

Maak dan de Parmezaankorst (niet echt een korst) door in een kom de Parmezaan te mengen met het paneermeel, peterselie, tijm, citroenrasp en knoflook met een beetje zout en flink wat peper.

Bestrooi de pompoenschijven met dit mengsel en druk even aan met je vingers.
Bak de pompoen ongeveer 30 minuten in de oven tot ze gaar zijn. Steek een scherp mes in de pompoen, als het zacht voelt zijn ze gaar, hard, nog niet.

Ottolenghi serveert de plakken met zure room waar wat verse dille en peper en zout door is geroerd. Maar zo, lekker warm, uit de oven is ook super. Geniet ervan!


1 opmerking:

  1. I also made oven roasted pumpkin slices but rosted them with a fruity EVOO, dried chili flakes, sea salt & black pepper. I added red onion wedges too.

    Your recipe looks really tasty! I msut make this! Yum!
