
zaterdag 29 maart 2014

Spring greens soup – Lente groentjes soep (GF-DF-SF-V)

Oh, how I love springtime!
The young, fresh, lush colours of greens are sprouting everywhere when I walk outside, in the park, on my balcony, and even on the streets where in every tiny spot between tiles there is something green growing.

I wanted to go out this morning to pick some fresh nettles and wild garlic, but didn’t make it in time. Instead I went to my local multiculti market over the bridge where I bought this very mustardy fresh rucola and watercress. In the Turkish community there is a lot of spring greens grown in communal gardens and sold there. I love it. Soon they’ll have sorrel too.

All these fresh greens have something special, the rocket is very pungent, the sorrel will be very sour and the watercress is a bit nutty and peppery. Very good for the intestinal spring cleaning! Detox by eating.

You can make really good green smoothies with them, but for me it’s still a little too cold for that, so I made this tasty spring greens soup, yummie!

Spring greens soup (4-6pers)

1 onion, chopped medium
1 clove of garlic
3 tbsp Arborio rice
1 small cup of leeks, sliced thin and washed thorough
1 celery stalk, in tiny cubes
1 l vegetable stock or water
1 big bunch of rocket, 150 g
1 big bunch of watercress, 125 g
Squeeze of lemon
Pepper and salt

In a soup pan warm some olive oil and sweat the onion about 20 minutes till it begins to caramelize. Stir once or twice.

Add finely chopped garlic and the Arborio rice and stir in. Let it cook together for 5 more minutes, stir.
Add celery and leeks, stir in too and after another 5 minutes add vegetable stock or water and bring to the boil. Let it simmer for 20 minutes with the lid on.

In the meantime wash and cut your greens roughly. Add to the pot and let it wilt in another 2-3 minutes. Remove from the gas and puree the soup. I leave mine quite rustic.
Taste and add a squeeze of lemon juice and pepper and salt to taste.

Enjoy your spring greens soup, pure as it is.

Lente groentjes soep (4-6 pers)

1 ui, medium gehakt
1 teen knoflook, fijngehakt
3 el arborio rijst
Handvol prei, in ringetjes, goed gewassen
1 stengel bleekselderij, fijngehakt
1 l groentebouillon of water
1 grote bos waterkers, 125 g
1 grote bos rucola, 150 g
Kneep citroensap
Peper en zout, naar smaak

Verwarm wat olijfolie in een soeppan en zweet daarin de ui, zeker 20 minuten, totdat de ui begint te karameliseren, terwijl je af en toe roert. De karamelisatie geeft een heerlijke smaak aan de soep.

Voeg dan de knoflook toe en de rijst, roer af en toe en laat 5 minuten heel zacht meebakken.
Voeg dan prei en bleekselder toe en roer alles goed door elkaar, nog eens 5 minuten.
Voeg dan bouillon of water toe en breng aan de kook. Zet het vuur dan laag en laat met het deksel erop de soep nog 20 minuten sudderen.

Ondertussen was je de lentegroentjes en hak ze grof.
Voeg aan de soep toe en laat in 2-3 minuten slinken.

Van het vuur af en pureer de soep met een staafmixer of blender. Ik laat hem lekker een beetje rustiek.
Proef en voeg naar smaak wat citroensap toe en eventueel nog wat peper en zout.

Geniet van deze heerlijke groene lentesoep, puur zoals-ie is!!

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey there! You are already on and I wonder if you would also like to share your content on the Belgian page. If this sounds good to you, please, visit and add your blog through the top blogs section :)
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  2. I love Fresh Spring greens too! I also love the added Arborio rice in here,..;double yumm!

    A wonderful green good-for-you soup!!! :)

  3. Sounds like a great and healthy soup. (minus the salt for me ;-) )
