
vrijdag 13 juni 2014

Garden lettuce with raw carrot dressing (GF-DF-SF-V)

My vegetable garden is doing well, as you can see, despite some beginners and other issues. The biggest one is the co-eating of all the birds in de neighbourhood, there are loads of them and it’s an easy meal to get! Just hop in the garden and pick, literally, what they like.

So I have to protect some of the plants because they don’t get a chance to grow up at all otherwise and that’s a little sad.

The best thing is that I have loads of free flowers and 

Romaine lettuce coming up in my patch, so I can pick up some leaves whenever I want to and make a quick and super fresh salad for lunch.

I have to wait for my own carrots some more weeks, to make this great tasting raw carrot dressing. But happily my organic shop has them, even the supermarket sells organic carrots now and really they taste so much better than ordinary grown ones.

Raw carrot dressing (inspired by a recipe from Gwyneth Paltrow’s book It’s All Good...)
For a 400ml jar, can be stored in the fridge for 1 week

1 cup cleaned carrots, roughly cut
1 small onion, cut small
1 tbsp ginger root, cut fine
1 tsp miso
4 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 tbsp honey or maple syrup
8 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
4-8 tbsp water
½ tsp sea salt
Freshly ground black pepper to taste

Throw everything in the blender and just mix till creamy.
It is really delicious, especially for kids!!

Rauwe wortel dressing

(geïnspireerd door Gwyneth Paltrow’s boek (H)Eerlijk)
Voor een flinke pot vol, bewaar in de koelkast voor zeker 1 week.

2 flinke wortels, geschrapt en grofgehakt
1 kleine ui of sjalot, fijngehakt
1 el verse gemberwortel, fijngehakt
1 tl miso
4 el appelazijn
2 el honing of ahorn siroop
8 el extra virgin olijfolie
4 el water
½ tl zout, eventueel
Versgemalen zwarte peper, naar smaak

Gooi alles in de blender en mix tot een romig geheel.

Deze dressing is echt superlekker, vooral ook voor kinderen!!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. A lovely veggie patch you have, Linda!

    Everything is looking very good! I love, love your raw carrot dressing,...ooh yes! It looks pretty amazing! xx

  2. Thank you dear Sophie, make a big pot full, it is so good!
