
maandag 26 september 2011

Walnut cake (GF- DF)

Last week we went on are annual trip to our secret walnut place.

It’s quite a trip, for we have to go by train first, me and my sweet love C., then we walk to my parents ‘house, drink coffee and than go with their car to the other side of the river and follow it a while, go down dikes and up again, seeing beautiful old houses and trees on the way, spotting the tops of the castle of Loevestein above the willows and further we go into the Land of Heusden en Altena, till we reach our small dike, no houses anymore, but only the smell of autumnal soil, some late butterflies and bees and the walnut trees.
It’s always a joy to see them again, they are old acquaintances, I think I come here since my 12th , so over 35 years already.

For this Provencal walnut cake I used freshly picked walnuts, so they are still a little wet, but you can use any kind. Preferably crack your own walnuts instead of buying them without shell. They go rancid very quickly and loose their nutrients when peeled.
As you can see this cake doesn’t use any butter or fat; it’s a kind of biscuit dough, not moist but very tasty!

Gâteau de noix – walnutcake (GF- DF)(8 pers)

4 organic eggs
150 g sugar
10 g tartaric acid baking powder
40 g brown rice flour
40g maizena or corn starch
2-3 tsp espresso coffee
180 g walnuts, chopped

Pre heat the oven on 180 ˚C.

Prepare a baking tin (20 Ø cm) with some oil and/or baking paper.

Split the eggs and mix the yolks with the sugar for about 5 minutes till you have a light and fluffy mixture. Sift the baking powder, rice flour and corn starch and use a spatula to fold it into the egg mixture. Then the coffee and walnuts.
With a clean mixer and a pinch of salt you beat the egg whites till they are stiff and you can hold your bowl upside down.
Add to the flour mixture and fold it in gently.
Scoop the dough into the baking tin and bake the gateau 30-40 minutes in the middle of the oven. After 30 minutes you can open the oven to check if the cake is done yet by sticking a sharp knife into the cake. When it comes out clean your cake is ready. Otherwise let it bake another 5-10 minutes.
Let it cool for 5 minutes before you remove the mold.
Leave the gateau to cool complete before serving!

Gateau de noix – walnootcake (GF-DF) (8 pers)

4 biologische eieren
150 g witte basterdsuiker
10 g wijnsteenzuur bakpoeder
40 g bruine rijstmeel
40 g maïzena
2 ½ tl espresso koffie
180 g versgedopte walnoten, fijngehakt

Verwarm de oven voor op 180˚C.

Vet een springvorm van 20 cm Ø in met wat olie en/of bekleed de vorm met bakpapier.

Splits de eieren en klop eerst de eidooiers met de suiker 5 minuten tot een glad en schuimig geheel.
Zeef het bakpoeder, rijstmeel en de maïzena en spatel dit door het eimengsel.
Schep dan de koffie en de walnoten er doorheen.
Klop de eiwitten met een schone mixer en een snufje zout tot ze stijf zijn en je de kom op zijn kop kunt houden. Schep de eiwitten door het deeg.
Schep dan het deeg in de springvorm en bak de taart 30-40 minuten in het midden van de oven. Na 30 minuten kun je de oven open doen om met een scherp mes in de taart te steken. Komt het mes er schoon uit dan is je walnotencake gaar. Anders laat je de cake nog 5-10 minuten bakken.
Laat de vorm 5 minuten staan voordat je de springvorm los maakt.
Laat volledig afkoelen voordat je de gâteau de noix serveert.
Geniet ervan.

1 opmerking:

  1. Hey my dear foodie friend, your GF walnut cake looks irresistable & ooh so tasty too!

    I blog now also gluten full but sometimes gf! I missed blogging so I am back after 5 months absence!

    Greetings & much love from Belgium!
