Back to the pears.
My father( 72) works together with a group of pensionados, they prune and keep up old orchards and in that way they help to preserve old apple and pear varieties. In exchange they can pick the fruit and once a year there is a market where they make fresh juices and sell all these varieties to the public. It’s a great group, they keep fit, by working out in the open, they have fun together and they do a great job.
Around this time a year my house smells like an orchard, every time my parents come around, with baskets full of juicy freshly picked apples and pears.
From the pears I made this lovely chutney.
Pear chutney with walnuts(1 pot)
2 pears
1 tbsp good olive oil
½-1 eschalotte, finely chopped
1 clove of garlic, minced
Some sprigs of lemon thyme
2 tbsp of nice flavored vinegar
2 tbsp date syrup
pepper and salt
6 walnuts, shelled and chopped coarsely
Warm the olive oil in a small sauce pan and softly sweat the onion, garlic and lemon thyme for 8 minutes.
Then add the vinegar, date syrup and pepper and salt to your taste.
Peel and chop the pears in small chunks and add to the liquid.
Cook softly for 30 minutes. Add the walnuts the last 5 minutes.
Eat with some gluten free toast and soft goats’ cheese.
Perenchutney met walnoten(1 potje)
2 peren
1 el goede olijfolie
½ -1 sjalotje, fijngesnipperd
1 teen knoflook, zeer fijn gesnipperd
wat takjes citroentijm
2 el lekkere azijn
2 el dadelsiroop
peper en zout naar smaak
6 walnoten, grofgehakt
Verwarm de olijfolie in een steelpan en smoor de ui, knoflook en citroentijm zachtjes, ongeveer 8 minuten.
Voeg dan de azijn, dadelstroop en peper en zout toe.
Schil de peren en hak in kleine stukjes en voeg aan het mengsel toe.
Laat heel zachtjes 30 minuten koken.
Voeg de laatste 5 minuten de gehakte walnoten toe.
Laat afkoelen en bewaar in een schone pot in de koelkast.
Heerlijk met een glutenvrije cracker en wat zachte geitenkaas!
MMMMMMM,....Linda! i have made your tasty pears chutney & it tasted divine!