
dinsdag 4 oktober 2011

beetroot soup - rode bietensoep (GF- DF-SF)

This simple soup I’d like to dedicate to the International Breast Cancer Month.
In Holland 1 of 8 women get breast cancer, that’s a huge amount.
To support Stichting Pink Ribbon you can buy the magazine they bring out each year. All profits go to them; they use it for further projects.

You can add to your own (breast) health by:

* moving your body minimum 30 minutes a day, walking, biking, dancing, gardening, whatever you like
* eating more fruit and vegetables
* eating more monosaturated fats like butter and dairy products and olive oil
* eating more beans and pulses and less meat
* don’t get overweight
* drinking less alcohol, no more than 1 glass a day (every glass more the risk of breast cancer rises by 7 percent!)

Making soup every 2 to 3 days leads to eating more vegetables. Whenever I get hungry in between meals, especially around 17.00, soup is a real treat. Easy to make from all kind of cut-over veggies you have left in the fridge. Add some lentils or left over brown rice and some fresh herbs and ready you are in 30 minutes or less.
But today I'm making soup from organic beetroots, naturally gluten free!

Beetroot soup(2-3 pers)
2 cooked red beets, peeled and cut in big chunks
1 onion, chopped
1 clove of garlic, chopped finely
1 piece of carrot, chopped in small cubes
1 stalk of celery, finely chopped
1-2 tbsp of good olive oil
1 bay leaf
½ l of vegetable broth

Sweat the onion and garlic with a pinch of salt softly in the olive oil for 5 minutes.
Then add the carrot and celery and let it simmer for 5 minutes more.
Add the beetroot, bay leaf and the vegetable broth and bring it to the boil. Let it cook for about 20 minutes, remove the bay leaf and blender your soup.
Taste and add some salt and pepper.
You can leave the salt and in your cup you can add a teaspoon of miso!
Some chives are nice, a scoop of crème fraîche too. I keep it simple.

Rode bietensoep (2-3 pers)
2 gekookte bieten, gepeld en in flinke stukken
1 ui, grofgehakt
1 teen knoflook, fijngehakt
1 stuk wortel, in kleine blokjes
1 stengel bleekselderij, fijngehakt
1-2 el goede olijfolie
1 laurierblad
½ l groentebouillon

Verwarm de olijfolie en laat de ui en knoflook zachtjes 5 minuten zweten met een snufje zout.
Voeg dan de wortel en bleekselderij toe en laat 5 minuten meebakken.
Voeg de bietjes, laurierblad en bouillon toe en breng aan de kook. Laat het 20 minuten koken en pureer dan de soep met de staafmixer. Haal eerst je laurierblad eruit!
Proef en voeg zonodig peper en zout toe. Of laat het zout er helemaal uit en schep en theelepel miso in je kom soep!
Wat bieslook is lekker of een schepje crème fraîche. Ik houd het simpel.

1 opmerking:

  1. Your beetroot soup looks so tasty! My husband & I love beets in every dish from appetizer to dinner to desserts too! :)
